
inti 1.png


The sun, and the principal god of the Incas, is venerated even today in many rituals. Weavers design according to their perception and to the technique or skills that weaving this design permits them to create (Callañaupa Alvarez 2007). In Quishuarani, another community in the region of Cusco, the sun god is shown with a human face.

In Rosaspata, another community in the Cusco Region, Inti represents the sun as giver and protector of life. This design is only used in ceremonial blankets of the Altomisayoq (Andean shaman/priest) (Proyecto Corredor Puno-Cusco 2005).

References Cited

Callañaupa Alvarez, Nilda (2007). Weaving in the Peruvian Highlands: Dreaming Patterns, Weaving Memories. Hong Kong: Asia Pacific.

Proyecto Corredor Puno-Cusco (2005). Rescate e Interpretación de la Iconografía Textil de las Comunidades de Ccachin, Ccollana, Choquecancha, Quishuarani, y Rosaspata. Calca, Peru: FIDA, Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola.