Browse Items (94 total)


pasna 1-2.png
This design represents the image of a girl.


chunchu 1-2.png
The ch’unchu design represents a jungle dancer.

Runa Tika

runa tika 1-4.png
The runa tika design shows men holding flowers.


ACCHA ALTRA-chaska 1-star.png
The chaskas (or ch’aska) motif represents stars.

Ch’aska Puyto

ACCHA ALTA-ch'aska puito-Star (2).png
This design means lake cavern.

Taklla Q’enqo

taclla q'enqo 1-2.png
This zig zag design symbolizes the movement of water in the river as it approaches the valley

Truchac Chupan

SALLAC-trucha chupan -troak (3).png
This design illustrates the tail of a trout.

Sinp’a Qalaywa

CHUMBIVILCAS- sinp'a qalaywa 1-curved lizard (2).png
The Sinp’a Qalaywa design means “braided lizards.”


chili 1.png
The chili designs are derived from the chili chili (or chile chile) flower.


The weqontoy is a parasitic plant affecting leafy plants.