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  • Tags: Accha Alta


ACCHA ALTRA-chaska 1-star.png
The chaskas (or ch’aska) motif represents stars.

Ch’aska Puyto

ACCHA ALTA-ch'aska puito-Star (2).png
This design means lake cavern.


chili 1.png
The chili designs are derived from the chili chili (or chile chile) flower.


ACCHA ALTA-condor 1.png
This represents a condor, an Andean bird that is an important symbol in the culture.

Mayu Inti

mayu inti.png
This design stands for river and the sun.


pacay 1-2.png
This design represents the pacay fruit.

Quinray T’ika

quinray t'ica 1-2.png
This design refers to a flower from the other side.

Rosas T’ica

t'ica rosas 1-2.png
This design means rose flowers.

Rosas Tika

rosas 2.png
This design refers to rose flowers.

Taclla Q’enqo

taclla q'enqo 1-2.png
This design is a zig zag pattern that symbolizes a single-bladed plow.